Chimamanda wows Kenyan fans at launch

Written By maboko on Sunday, December 1, 2013 | 7:51 PM

The award-winning author of Half of a Yellow Sun, Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, 36, is in town for a week of book launches, public lectures and a gala dinner to mark Kwani Trust 10th Year Anniversary. 
"The best part about #KwaniAt10 is the fact that they got Chimamanda (Adichie) to come," tweeted popular literary blogger, Wamathai.

A sentiment many a book lover shares of the Nigerian author whose pen stroke is said to increasingly resemble her idol, the late Chinua Achebe.

Kwani Trust, describing itself as a Kenyan-based literary network dedicated to developing quality creative writing and committed to the growth of the creative industry, couldn't have picked a better guest to fly in.

Fairly little is known about her studies in medicine and pharmacy at the University of Nigeria.

Perhaps her degree in Communications and Masters in creative writing at Johns Hopkins University would be more palatable to her following in light of who she has become - Africa's daughter and much acclaimed teller of tales.