AMANI presidential candidate Musalia Mudavadi said the whole world is watching how Kenya will conduct elections this year and the elected president will only earn international respect if peace prevails during and after elections.
He also asked residents of West Pokot to elect a credible president who will help to promote international trade with other countries.
“No country which can depend on what it produces alone,” Mudavadi told a campaign rallyat Makutaono stadium in West Pokot county yesterday. He had earlier campaigned in Kacheliba, Sigor and Cheparia towns.
Musalia also dismissed recent opinion poll results and asked residents not to accept the results but instead wait until March 4 to see who will emerge the winner.
“Don’t be shaken with results released by opinion polls. Lets wait and see the president the Kenyans will elect,” he said.
He also asked politicians to let the judicial operate independently as stipulated in the constitution for it to cater for interests of both poor and rich.
He said Kenyans will loose trust in the courts if chief Justice Willy Mutunga is threatened. “We don’t want to go back to days where Kenyans had lost trust in our courts. Our courts are now reformed and Kenyans are fulfilled with judgments issued,” he said.
Musaila said if elected, he will diversify the economy of the county by setting up industries to supplement income generated from livestock.
He said the industries will create jobs to youth and help address the issue of unemployment hence reducing cases of cattle rustling in the county.