While addressing the congregation at Uhuru Park, Jubilee alliance presidential candidates urged Kenyans to live peacefully and shun violence as experienced in the 2008 post election violence.
Also, Narc- Kenya presidential candidate Martha Karua pledged support a peaceful election. She also urged her supporters to embrace peace. Ms Karua also asked Kenyans to shun leaders perpetrating violence.
Ms Karua also said she will respect the outcome of the elections because it will be the will of Kenyans.
In a rejoinder, Restore and Build Kenya (RBK) presidential candidate Prof James Ole Kiyiapi pledged to serve the country faithfully for the sake of peace.
Eagle alliance presidential candidate Peter Kenneth said leaders should be held accountable for the pledges they make to Kenyans.
He said leaders that have committed themselves to maintain peace should do so.
"Kenya is the most peaceful country in the world, we should never allow violence again," he said.
"We must make sure that on March 4th, the real winners will be Kenyans," he added.
He also said that weak leadership has divided the nation on ethnic lines.
Alliance for Real Change presidential candidate Mohammed Abduba Diba asked Kenyans to pray to God to help them elect a good leader.
He said Kenyans must seek repentance by first accepting sins committed.
"If a someone has stolen land, please revert it to the rightful owner then seek repentance," he said.