ICC to Confirm or Decline Kenyan Cases

Written By maboko on Saturday, January 21, 2012 | 12:32 PM

The victims from 20 internally displaced people's camps in the country under the umbrella of IDP Leaders Forum, who spoke at a Nakuru hotel, are calling for calm and peace no matter what the outcome of the ruling on the confirmation cases.

They are calling on the government to demonstrate its responsibility to the displaced Kenyans by resettling them and also establish a local special tribunal to handle perpetrators of Post Election Violence at the lower level.

A youth theatre group in Eldoret has embarked on an exercise to raise awareness on the International Criminal Court (ICC). 

The group led by Ken Ruto has been issuing booklets on the Court based at the Hague in the Netherlands and talking to locals in Uasin Gishu and Nandi counties to help create awareness on the ICC based at the Hague.

Meanwhile Kenyans are awaiting the decision of the ICC to confirm or decline to confirm the charges facing the Ocampo Six.

The decision to be announced on Monday 23rd January will be made in writing to the parties and participants in both cases. Thereafter Judges of Pre-Trial Chamber II will appear publicly in Courtroom I to inform the public about the outcome of their decisions. 

The decision will state whether Deputy Prime Minister Uhuru Kenyatta, United Republican Party - URP leader William Ruto, Head of Public Service Francis Kirimi Muthaura, journalist Joshua Sang, suspended Minister for Industrialization Henry Kosgey and Post Master General Mohammed Hussein Ali will stand trial on crimes against humanity or not.